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MZ-Tools: provides a superb collection of IDE tools - finding unused variables, unused methods, a great "search all", code snippets. Written by Carlos J. Quintero, to whom I now owe hours and hours of time.
Addin for Visual Basic 6.0 packing more than 50 professional tools and assistants. The Code View Assistant enriches the standard VB6 code editor with branch lines for conditional statements, end-of-line details, and hotspots. Moreover, the Code Analyzer pinpoints dead and slow code, the SmartComplete and AutoText tools help you write code with a proficiency you never dreamed of, while the Enhanced Project Explorer with expanding code and Code Flow View can make accessing a code location the speedy action you always needed. Other tools: Extended Find, Find References, Designer Explorer, Code Formatter, TabOrder Designer (with auto-order), HotKey Designer, Error Handlers Inserter, Exception Protection, Spelling Checker, Strings Reviewer, Comments Conformity Checker, Task List Manager, Code Snippets Manager, Naming Standards Manager.Version 2007 adds Designer Analyzer, User Interface Standard Properties Manager, Library Explorer including Designer Snippets, many enhancements in most subsystems.
After the ESXi rollback from version 6.7, the new tools-light VIB does not revert to the earlier version. As a result, the VIB becomes incompatible with the rolled back ESXi host causing these issues.
Adversaries may attempt to manipulate features of their artifacts to make them appear legitimate or benign to users and/or security tools. Masquerading occurs when the name or location of an object, legitimate or malicious, is manipulated or abused for the sake of evading defenses and observation. This may include manipulating file metadata, tricking users into misidentifying the file type, and giving legitimate task or service names.
The potential for route transition interventions (RTIs) to improve health outcomes among people who use drugs (PWUD) was first identified in the 1990s [21]. Since then, programs that distribute methamphetamine and crack cocaine pipes have become increasingly common in Europe and North America [22]. Evaluations of methamphetamine and crack cocaine pipe distribution to PWUD in Mexico and Canada have found that these programs are associated with increased engagement with healthcare services and reduced pipe sharing [16,17,18,19,20]. Heroin smoking foils have been distributed in Germany, the UK, and the Netherlands to promote inhalation as an alternative to injection [23]. Despite the potential for RTIs to reduce harms associated with drug use, little has been published about the impact of safer smoking programs on drug injection behaviors or health outcomes among PWUD [24]. Additionally, few studies have evaluated whether pipe distribution may unintentionally increase risks associated with heroin smoking, including pneumonia, asthma exacerbation, and other pulmonary disease [25, 26].
Both pre- and post-intervention surveys collected self-reported information on the following domains: (1) sociodemographic characteristics, (2) drug consumption behaviors, (3) high-risk injection behaviors (e.g., syringe sharing, syringe reuse, public injection) (4) health outcomes associated with drug use (e.g., non-lethal opioid overdose, SSTI, hospitalization), (5) the HCV care continuum, and (6) social harms associated with crack cocaine or methamphetamine pipe distribution (e.g., arrest for pipe possession). Post-intervention surveys also collected data on utilization and perceived impact of the heroin pipe distribution program and potential harms associated with heroin pipe possession. Pre- and post-intervention survey forms are included in Additional file 1 and 2.
Our pilot study suggests heroin pipe distribution at an SSP may be a novel RTI to change drug consumption behaviors and reduce harms associated with heroin injection. Future research is needed to expand on our findings, including larger randomized trials to evaluate whether changes in drug consumption behavior prompted by pipe distribution improve downstream health outcomes. Qualitative and mixed-methods investigations would be helpful to assess acceptability and optimize delivery of heroin pipe distribution across different settings as well as evaluate the impact of this intervention on the frequency and quantity of opioids used. Access to heroin pipes may delay initiation of heroin injection by providing PWUH with an effective alternative to heroin injection. Studies outside of SSPs, where most PWUH have already begun injecting heroin, could assess whether heroin pipe distribution delays or prevents injection among people who recently started using heroin. People who inject methamphetamine and cocaine are also at risk for many of the same poor health outcomes as PWUH, and future investigations could be expanded to include methamphetamine and crack cocaine pipe distribution. Intranasal and rectal heroin administration are alternative routes of consumption which may have fewer risks compared to injection and inhalation. Other novel RTIs, including provision of supplies for heroin snorting or booty bumping, deserve further attention. Additionally, this study was conducted prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Pipe distribution programs may prevent pipe sharing, and thereby COVID-19 transmission, among PWUD. The impact of safer smoking programs on COVID-19 outcomes should be incorporated into future research.
We searched for studies in English published before July 1, 2019 on PsycINFO, PubMed, SciELO, Scopus, and Web of Science. We assessed the relationship between drug use (methamphetamines, heroin; opiates; crack, cocaine and cannabis as dependent variables) and reported tooth loss, periodontal disease, or decayed, missing, and filled teeth index as an independent variable. The data were analyzed using Stata 12.0 software. 2ff7e9595c