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Writer's picturevantuwimeten

Katana ZERO 1.0.4: A Fast-Paced, Acrobatic Action-Platformer with a Dark Story

Katana 66 is a mod for the version 1.0.4 with the objective to create a motivation to replay the game one time, or even more by making the game hardcore, modifying the audios and the character visuals!

This walkthrough was written using version 1.0.3 of TNM and received an update for 1.0.4. It isHIGHLY advised to update to 1.0.4 before playing The Nameless Mod. Issues, exploits and glitchesstill present in the current version that should be noted to avoid or can be exploited are mentioned inthis walkthrough, however any issues or exploits present in previous versions (including 1.0.3) willnot be mentioned. I've made a small patch called 1.0.4+ to fix some of the remaining issues left inthe game. You can find it on the official forums of OTP. I'll mention throughout the walkthroughsome of the changes that happen with this fanpatch installed...

Katana ZERO 1.0.4

STUCK GOAL: If you start this mission, then kill or incapacitate either walton simons or Chris theCynic (or both), the entire shop will be closed and everyone inside, including jimmycracker willleave. Thus rendering you unable to report success and finish the mission. With 1.0.4+ the missionwill close in that situation.

From Phasmatis apartment, move west to the Firewalls blockade. Talk to the firewall agent in brownto start this mission. To the south of his position you find the N00Bz. You can either talk to them, orjust go on a rampage and kill/knock them all out for the firewall. While you get contacted that youHAVE to kill all N00Bz members, knocking down all 7 does do the trick, but the game acts like youkilled them. This is probably a bug (and has been fixed in 1.0.4+). Go further down the road and intothe Castle to find Master_Kale. He's equipped with a crossbow, so is a nasty fighter. However, youare free to knock him down or kill him without talking, making it much easier if you planned theseroutes. If you killed or knocked down all the N00Bz, Trestkon will threaten him, and you can eitherpick letting him life or killing him/knocking him down (both work). If you spoke to the N00Bz, orignored them (or not killed/knocked all down) you get 3 options. The first makes Kale hostile, thesecond makes all the N00Bz leave, and the third, together with the question of how long Kale is onForumPlanet, makes for a nice option to tell the N00Bz about their false leader. You can also use thisto get them to leave properly. If you killed Kale either get the reward (N00Bz already gone), or goback to the N00Bz to threaten them/kill them. If you knocked down Kale either get the reward,dragging his body to the Firewalls (N00Bz already gone), or drag his body to the firewalls, then goback to the N00Bz to threaten them/kill them. If you know about Kale's lying, you can tell his gangthis, and they'll also leave. After this you still have to knock down or kill Kale though before you canget your reward. Whatever you choose to do, getting rid of the gang wields you 500 credits (or 1000using below exploit). NOTE: Nothing prevents you from knocking down Master_Kale after themission is done. This will give you the very useful mini-crossbow!

EXPLOIT: You can get this missions' rewardtwice by knocking down or killing the 7 membersof the N00Bz gang, then knocking downMaster_Kale and delivering his body to thefirewall without actually getting the mission first.After getting the reward, find a quiet place (orthe firewalls will get upset) and killMaster_Kale. Now return for 500 additionalcredits. An easy 1000 credits for a subway pass.This has been fixed in 1.0.4+.

IT LIVES!: You can do this mission even after buying a subway pass. Even after killing NVShackerin the Corporate District! Even if that disables many of his PM's, he will still be able to contact youafter exiting the apartment, after getting the program from Alpha Operator and when you haveupload the program to his laptop. This has been fixed in 1.0.4+.

There is one large mission here (see also 2.0.1), and you get the opportunity to obtain some of thebest melee weapons of the game here, the Dragon's Tooth Sword and Digital Ronin's Katana. Moveout of the station and go right, overhear the convo of the guy and the cat. Follow the road to findYardbomb's Voodoo Shop. Here you get the mission. Enter and overhear the convo betweenYardbomb and the WorldCorp accountant. Look behind the counter for some tranq darts and amedkit hidden behind some books. Talk to Yardbomb. When he asks your advise, telling him to sellwill close the shop for you on the second day. Telling him to stay independent will have it open onthe second day for you too. Go to the back to find some blow dart ammo in the supply crate. Behindthe locked door are only some throwing knives, so save your lockpicks. Move back to the begin ofthe shop. Walk through the extra-dimensional hallway and go right, frob the book for a hint, thentalk to the flying head and the skull. Pick up the darts and biocell and proceed down the hall. You'llnotice a door to your left. You have to see it to start the mission. Proceed down the hall. Here you'llfind the katana and the blowpipe, both excellent weapons. Notice that this is only place in the gamemeta-knowledge will not help. Already knowing the codes without buying them, then inputting themwill still trigger an alarm to go off and make Yardbomb hostile. Also, you can break the glass andtake them, but this will also trigger the alarm. Fall down and talk to Yardbomb to start his mission.Also, you can buy one of the items if you wish (probably only if you got the free subway pass).Digital Ronin's Katana is perfect for destroying doors, especially when combined with CombatStrength. Saves you lockpicks or explosives. Digital Ronin's Katana code: 02173. Blow darts code:31397.

NOTE: If you're not in a hurry for the aug upgrade, wait with reporting success to the second day.There, you'll get 500 skill points above the 250 of stealth, that were removed from the day 1conversation in patch 1.0.3. (this has been fixed with 1.0.4+)

Once you enter the complex you'll probably receive PM's from Dark Templar/Abomination. If yougave the real Spork plans to Dark Templar Abomination will be mad, and will cancel any alliancewith the Llamas may you had it. Also, he will be mad if you didn't give him the location of the GoatCity even when promised to (the goal update incorrectly mentions the real plans though, not a "didnot tell", which has been corrected in 1.0.4+). If you gave the fake Spork plans and then joined theGoats, DT will PM you and that will cancel any alliance you had with the Goats. Talk toManInBlack to get a briefing, key and access to the other levels of the complex. Also, near him youwill get a 500 Skill Points Critical Location Bonus.

Once you enter the complex you'll probably receive PM's from Dark Templar/Abomination. If yougave the real spork plans to Dark Templar Abomination will be mad, and will cancel any alliancewith the Llamas may you had it. Also, he will be mad if you didn't give him the location of the GoatCity even when promised to (the goal update incorrectly mentions the real plans though, not a "didnot tell", which has been corrected in 1.0.4+). If you gave the fake spork plans and then joined theGoats, DT will PM you and that will cancel any alliance you had with the Goats. That guy will sendyou some schematics, and tell you about some mission and how to get to the admin password. Walkforwards to get 500 Skill Points. Take care of the firewall and firewall agent (agents are stronger, onthe higher difficulty levels sometimes regular get replaced by agents instead of more regulars beingadded). Go down the hallway, then right. Beware the patrolling firewall. At K. Quick's station youcan find some important information. At E. Reuter's station you can find some more importantinformation. You can also talk to Eric over at the vending machine. Go back into the hallway, thenleft. Beware the patrolling firewall. You can find a red biocell at J. Dey's station. B.White has a notewith his own password at his desk. Use it to access his PC (BWhite/Imfine), and print out the firstpassword. It's important! You can find the printer near Jim. You can find a multitool at K. Vogt'soffice. K. Moran has a lockpick.

Once you're outside Abomination or Dark Templar (depending on your side) will contact you abouta side mission. See 9.0.0 and 9.1.0. Return to WorldCorp (if you use 1.0.4+ drop by Kaigan for achat) and report to Scara. You'll get 2000 credits as a reward (and, when using 1.0.4+, 2C clearanceto WorldCorp, if you haven't bought that already). Proceed to section 10.0.0.

Go left and ZeroPresence (PDX) or Slicer (WC) will run towards you. Unless they are dead ofcourse. You can take them down before even talking them, take advantage of that if it's too difficultfor you (high NPC health). It really matters here if you knock them down or kill them (running fromthem is possible too, but then no items for you!). Slicer has his katana, which does 25 damage.ZeroPresence has an excellent heavily modified sniper rifle. Search the room for 235 credits, .45ammo and tranq darts. Proceed down the path. The wall will break, revealing the spiderbot "Gift forJonas". Disable it! You can find some shotgun ammo from where he came. Enter the big officeroom. Press the button in the middle to lighten up the place, then search around for 3x firestaff manapotion, medkit, tranq darts, lockpick and a multitool. You can also watch a hologram recording ofDigital Ronin. Use the computer with the login Beeble provided (ADMIN/DXI_Admin_X8) thenpress both buttons to get access to the firestaff. Pick it up (you may have to drop some items) and get2000 Skill Points! Fall down the opened window.

If you use 1.0.4+ Pimp Jojo will send you a PM now pointing you towards Downtown for his questaward (only when you did plant the spyware of course). A soldier with a GEP gun will aim for yourbots. Snipe him before he can fire a shot. Your bots will deal with the enemy bot just outside thegate. Check the corpses for weaponry. Check the shack for a medkit in the locked locker, and anEMP charger and EMP grenade on the desk. You can also use the repair bot and talk toSlicer/ZeroPresence (Trestkon mentions Kylie even if you killed her) if you kept him alive.Otherwise you will be taunted by Kylie (if she's alive) or Phasmatis. Either go up the ladder at thedirt pile to the right (stealthier; climb up the stairs to jump over the gate, then go to the metro station;skip to the next whitespace), or move forwards (if you like killin'). Go up the ladder just before thegate. Quickly take down the snipers on the roof. While they are not particularly a threat (if you walkdown there, they cannot even see you!), it's a great point for yourself to pick down targets withoutgiving them a chance to retaliate. Kill everyone. There is also a power box on the roof that can shutdown the lights on the roof, but there don't seem to be any advantages to that, as soon as you startshooting they'll find you regardless. Once all hostiles are down (besides maybe the milbot), proceedto the metro station. 2ff7e9595c

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