Next, run the bundled site check script and send the output to 10x Genomics. If requested, we will review the information to ensure that Space Ranger runs smoothly once you have generated your own Visium data. Assuming you have installed Space Ranger as described above, run the following commands after replacing the code in red with your email:
Select Download Executable (for Windows Azure VMs) or Download Script (for Linux Azure VMs, a Python script is generated) to download the software used to copy files from the recovery point.
File Hosting Script V2.01 Nulled Script
After the script is successfully downloaded, make sure you have the right machine to execute this script. The VM where you are planning to execute the script, should not have any of the following unsupported configurations. If it does, then choose an alternate machine that meets the requirements.
If the backed-up machine has large number of disks (>16) or large disks (> 4 TB each) it's not recommended to execute the script on the same machine for restore, since it will have a significant impact on the VM. Instead it's recommended to have a separate VM only for file recovery (Azure VM D2v3 VMs) and then shut it down when not required.
In Linux, the OS of the computer used to restore files must support the file system of the protected virtual machine. When selecting a computer to run the script, ensure the computer has a compatible OS, and uses one of the versions identified in the following table:
Proxies may not support iSCSI protocol or give access to port 3260. Hence it is strongly recommended to run this script on machines which have direct access as required above and not on the machines which will redirect to proxy.
If the backed up VM is Linux, then the script file you downloaded in step 1 above will have the geo-name in the name of the file. Use that geo-name to fill in the URL. The downloaded script name will begin with: 'VMname'_'geoname'_'GUID'.So for example, if the script filename is ContosoVM_wcus_12345678, the geo-name is wcus and the URL would be:
For Linux, the script requires 'open-iscsi' and 'lshw' components to connect to the recovery point. If the components don't exist on the computer where the script is run, the script asks for permission to install the components. Provide consent to install the necessary components.
After you meet all the requirements listed in Step 2, Step 3 and Step 4, copy the script from the downloaded location (usually the Downloads folder), see Step 1 to learn how to generate and download script. Right-click the executable file and run it with Administrator credentials. When prompted, type the password or paste the password from memory, and press Enter. Once the valid password is entered, the script connects to the recovery point.
When you run the executable, the operating system mounts the new volumes and assigns drive letters. You can use Windows Explorer or File Explorer to browse those drives. The drive letters assigned to the volumes may not be the same letters as the original virtual machine. However, the volume name is preserved. For example, if the volume on the original virtual machine was "Data Disk (E:\)", that volume can be attached on the local computer as "Data Disk ('Any letter':\). Browse through all volumes mentioned in the script output until you find your files or folder.
After you meet all the requirements listed in Step 2, Step 3 and Step 4, generate a Python script for Linux machines. See Step 1 to learn how to generate and download script. Download the script and copy it to the relevant/compatible Linux server. You may have to modify the permissions to execute it with chmod +x . Then run the Python file with ./.
In Linux, the volumes of the recovery point are mounted to the folder where the script is run. The attached disks, volumes, and the corresponding mount paths are shown accordingly. These mount paths are visible to users having root level access. Browse through the volumes mentioned in the script output.
In Linux, Logical Volume Manager (LVM) and/or software RAID Arrays are used to manage logical volumes over multiple disks. If the protected Linux VM uses LVM and/or RAID Arrays, you can't run the script on the same VM.Instead run the script on any other machine with a compatible OS and which supports the file system of the protected VM.The following script output displays the LVM and/or RAID Arrays disks and the volumes with the partition type.
This command will list all physical volumes (including the ones present before running the script), their corresponding volume group names, and the volume group's unique user IDs (UUIDs). A sample output of the command is shown below.
The first column (PV) shows the physical volume, the subsequent columns show the relevant volume group name, format, attributes, size, free space, and the unique ID of the volume group. The command output shows all physical volumes. Refer to the script output and identify the volumes related to the backup. In the above example, the script output would have shown /dev/sdf and /dev/sdd. And so, the datavg_db volume group belongs to script and the Appvg_new volume group belongs to the machine. The final idea is to make sure a unique volume group name should have one unique ID.
There are scenarios where volume group names can have 2 UUIDs after running the script. It means that the volume group names in the machine where the script is executed and in the backed-up VM are the same. Then we need to rename the backed-up VMs volume groups. Take a look at the example below.
The script output would have shown /dev/sdg, /dev/sdh, /dev/sdm2 as attached. So, the corresponding VG names are Appvg_new and rootvg. But the same names are also present in the machine's VG list. We can verify that one VG name has two UUIDs.
Make sure that the Volume groups corresponding to script's volumes are active. The following command is used to display active volume groups. Check whether the script's related volume groups are present in this list.
Don't use 'mount -a'. This command mounts all devices described in '/etc/fstab'. This might mean duplicate devices can get mounted. Data can be redirected to devices created by a script, which don't persist the data, and so might result in data loss.
In Linux, after the connection to the recovery point is severed, the OS doesn't remove the corresponding mount paths automatically. The mount paths exist as "orphan" volumes and are visible, but throw an error when you access/write the files. They can be manually removed. The script, when run, identifies any such volumes existing from any previous recovery points and cleans them up upon consent.
Make sure that the connection is closed after the required files are restored. This is important, especially in the scenario where the machine in which the script is executed is also configured for backup. If the connection is still open, the subsequent backup might fail with the error "UserErrorUnableToOpenMount". This happens because the mounted drives/volumes are assumed to be available and when accessed they might fail because the underlying storage, that is, the iSCSI target server may not available. Cleaning up the connection will remove these drives/volumes and so they won't be available during backup.
This feature was built to access the VM data without the need to restore the entire VM or VM disks and with the minimum number of steps. Access to VM data is provided by a script (which mounts the recovery volume when run as shown below) and it forms the cornerstone of all security implementations:
The script provides access to VM data, so it's important to regulate who can generate it in the first place. You need to sign in into the Azure portal and be Azure RBAC authorized to generate the script.
The generated script is signed with the official Microsoft certificate for the Azure Backup service. Any tampering with the script means the signature is broken, and any attempt to run the script is highlighted as a potential risk by the OS.
To run the script, a password is required that's only shown to the authorized user at the time of generation of script in the Azure portal or PowerShell/CLI. This is to ensure the authorized user who downloads the script is also responsible for running the script.
To browse files and folders, the script uses the iSCSI initiator in the machine and connects to the recovery point that's configured as an iSCSI target. Here you can imagine scenarios where one is trying to imitate/spoof either/all components.
We use a mutual CHAP authentication mechanism so that each component authenticates the other. This means it's extremely difficult for a fake initiator to connect to the iSCSI target and for a fake target to be connected to the machine where the script is run.
The script gives read-only access to a recovery point and is valid for only 12 hours. If you wish to remove the access earlier, then sign into Azure portal/PowerShell/CLI and perform unmount disks for that particular recovery point. The script will be invalidated immediately.
has anyone found a way to restrict copy/download/print access for a spreadsheet using google apps script? Background info: I created a script which restricts share rights for editors using setShareableByEditors(false). The only problem is that editors can still easily make a copy of the spreadsheet and then share it widely. I know that there's an option to manually restrict this setting in Google Sheets, but this solution is not scalable as I'm trying to manage share settings for a high number of spreadsheets. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Once installed, you should have access to the coffee command, which can execute scripts, compile .coffee files into .js, and provide an interactive REPL. The coffee command takes the following options:
Note that the CoffeeScript compiler does not resolve modules; writing an import or export statement in CoffeeScript will produce an import or export statement in the resulting output. Such statements can be run by all modern browsers (when the script is referenced via ) and by Node.js when the output .js files are in a folder where the nearest parent package.json file contains "type": "module". Because the runtime is evaluating the generated output, the import statements must reference the output files; so if is output as file.js, it needs to be referenced as file.js in the import statement, with the .js extension included. 2ff7e9595c