Yes, Facebook Messenger is a useful app, but bear in mind that it drains battery power very quickly, and asks for a lot of personal information in order to download it. When it was first released, users were essentially forced to download it in order to chat with Facebook friends on a mobile device. If you're a user that utilizes a lot of functions often like video or voice chatting, sharing documents, photos, and videos, and you don't mind charging your phone more often, Messenger is worth having on your phone. Otherwise, the messaging application that comes with your phone or Whatsapp should meet your needs just fine.
Once downloaded or updated, a user can use the cross messaging feature on both Android and iOS device. Do you know how to enable the cross-app chat feature? Here is a step by step guide you can follow to enable cross-app chat feature on Instagram and Facebook Messenger.
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The app does not require kids to have their own Facebook account. Messenger Kids is connected to a parent's Facebook account. Just download the app and set up your kid's profile through your personal Facebook account. You can create more than one profile for siblings too on one parent's Facebook account. Unlike other social media platforms, Messenger Kids offers a safer environment for kids by giving them zero access to approving and requesting contacts in the app. Kids can only chat with parent-approved contacts, which you can set up for them through your personal account.
Unfortunately, Facebook does not offer an option to backup Facebook messages automatically or even auto save messages on Messenger, and there are currently no third-party apps or plugins that allow you to automatically backup messenger chat, but you can however download and save Facebook messages manually either through Facebook or a Facebook chat history manager. 2ff7e9595c